We all know the saying, "you are the average of the five people you surround yourself with."
But I don't think that's enough.
I think it's not just about who you surround yourself with; it's also about what they are doing.
You want to be around people who are doing great things with their lives. People who are working toward their goals, achieving them, and then setting new ones. You want to be around people who inspire you and help you achieve your own dreams.
The people we surround ourselves with impact us more than anything else—more than our genes, more than our bank account balance, more than our weight or height or eye color, or any other aspect of our physical appearance. So make sure those five people are doing amazing things in their lives!
I think one of the easiest ways to do this is by finding a community that helps support your goals and then joining it!
It's been a battle at times, but now that we're all doing better together, we can keep each other accountable throughout our day.