If you're looking to lose weight and you're having a hard time making progress, you might be tempted to avoid carbs. But is that really the best way to go?
The short answer is no. If you want to lose weight, you should be eating carbs—but not just any old kind of carbs.
If you eat only white flour, refined sugars, and other processed carbs in large amounts, your body will want to store them as fat (not good). So what should you be eating instead?
Here are some simple guidelines for making sure you're getting enough carbs in your diet:
-Eat whole grains (like brown rice or quinoa) instead of white bread or pasta that's been refined with chemicals like sugar.
-Limit fruit juice because it's also high in sugar and doesn't contain fiber—which can help with digestion. Instead, drink unsweetened plain water or herbal tea.
-Avoid potatoes and corn because they tend to have more starch than other vegetables do—so they'll cause your body to store more calories as fat than other foods do.